A Fork in the Road

Posted by Cheryl on May 29, 2015.
Joliet based blues/rock band happens across a band name by accident: Fork in the Road

Four musicians gathered around the table to discuss the possibility of band-life after the single benefit show they had joined up to play. All in agreement that the musical chemistry is in place, now faced the tough task of coming up with a band name.

Many ideas were thrown into the air. One name seemed to have a slight "stick"... 4 Banger (an internal combustion engine with four cylinders). It's that good ole trusty, git 'er done engine, that has been getting all of us where we're going. But, the potential of it being mis-interpreted was concern for one member.

As we were packing up gear and heading out, at the end of the driveway and right in the middle of the road laid a plastic fork. Ah-ha... a Fork in the Road.

When you are at a fork in the road, which path will you choose? Seeing as though all four musicians had chosen the same path, to begin a new musical adventure, Fork in the Road was certainly an appropriate name.

Some things just happen for a reason, even when they seem purely accidental.

And, who knows... you might someday be listening to an original song called "4 Banger" by our new band "Fork in the Road"!